Subscribing to MunchTech podcasts is really easy! And there are many ways to do it. We want to provide to our listeners to make listening to and watching our content suit them, and not the other way round!
All show episode pages are fitted with subscribing buttons for the appropriate directory or store, including iTunes, Zune and RSS. To subscribe on the selected store or website, simply click on one or more of the buttons and you’ll be redirected to the appropriate page to do so.
Alternatively, you can listen to MunchTech right here on our website! Simply go to the page of the episode you would like to listen to and click play on the built in player. If you’re on a mobile device, don’t worry! The player is HTML 5 compatible! √
If you want to subscribe through iTunes, you can find all of our shows by searching for ‘MunchTech‘ or the specific show title.
On The Go
If you’re on the go – MunchTech has various applications, for iOS and Android. We’re also on the BlackBerry podcast directory along with Stitcher Radio – for iOS, Android and Palm OS.
We want to make subscribing to our shows as easy as possible for our listeners, and in so we want your suggestions to where you would like to see our shows, It is our goal to have all of our shows on the mainstream content networks not only to get the widest range of advertisement to the online population, but so that it is easy for you to listen through your preferred media distributor; and not one that you only use for MunchTech content.
In sight of this, if you would like to suggest a website, or content distributor that you’d like to see our shows on please let us know. Some of our shows are currently on Miro, and we’re working on getting them all on it. However due to Miro’s delayed approval times this may take a few weeks; from experience!
There are a wide range of podcast catching applications available on mobile. From experience, you can use the official Apple Podcast Application or a third party alternative such as Instacast or Downcast on iOS. There are similar applications availabe for the Android platform, as for Blackberry you can use the Blackberry podcast app.
Alternatively you can download one of our apps:
Listen at your convenience with our applications for the two biggest mobile platforms available… Shortly followed by BlackBerr… Actually, never mind!
iOS – iPhone & iPad
If you’re an iPerson, our iOS app is for you, available on the App Store for the low price of free. Keep up to date with the show and easily access new and previous episodes in a flash; see in an instant what the show covers and learn more all from right inside the App.