Will Apple enter the smart watch industry, machines are growing smarter by the day, why Microsoft redesigned Windows, will Toshiba bring out a Lytro like camera for smartphones and Microsoft boasts Windows Phone got 75,000 new apps this year.
Topics talked about today:
- Apple may be working on iOS smart watch that syncs with your devices
- Google 2012: The Machines Are Getting Smarter
- Why Microsoft redesigned Windows
- Mixpanel Study Shows More Traffic Came From Mobile This Christmas
- Record Volume Of Apps Downloaded On Christmas Day
- Toshiba has a Lytro-like camera for smartphones
- Microsoft Boasts Windows Phone Got 75,000 New Apps This Year
- Apple Admits That It Has Become Practically Beyond Comparison
We hope you have a safe, happy and prosperous new year! Thank you for subscribing and listening over 2012.
What Caught Our Eye This Week?
Snipt – A large supply of code snippits
SubtlePatterns – Patterns for anything, free textures for your next web/photoshop project!
To use Google Maps with Siri (or any other navigational app), simply say “via. Transit” at the end of your sentence. Eg, “Give me directions to insert place name via transit.”
Using Raspberry Pi as an Airplay Speaker