
Twitter is rumoured to be deeply built into iOS5, Tim Cooks says tablets will outsell PCs, Apple announce iCloud, iOS 5 and Lion, Google to abandon older browsers and Sony are hacked, yet again!

Topics talked about today:

  • A teenager sells his kidney for an iPad 2
  • Twitter is rumoured to be built deeply into iOS 5
  • Tim Cooks says tablets will outsell PCs
  • iOS notifications might be getting a jailbreak boost
  • Apple Responds Quickly to Evolving ‘Mac Defender’ Threat With Updated Malware Definitions
  • Apple announce they will be talking about iCloud, iOS 5 and Lion at their WWDC Keynote
  • Google to abandon older browsers
  • Windows 8 previewed by Microsoft
  • Private details of million people posted online
  • Sony fully restores PlayStation network in Europe and America